Karen Brown’s 10 years working for Holmes Care

June 27, 2024

In Company Announcements

Karen Brown - 10 Years with Holmes Care

Karen Morine talks with Karen Brown, Strategic Change Assistant, and asked her to share some insight into her 10-year anniversary working for Holmes Care: -
Karen Brown was 30 when she first joined Holmes Care ten years ago (she doesn’t mind us doing the subsequent maths!). Karen’s first role was as a part-time administrator at Heatherfield Nursing Home, where she worked until September 2020. Of this first experience with Holmes Care, Karen said ‘No day is the same in the administration office of a nursing home; there is a variety of work ranging from payroll tasks, reconciliations, compliance, assisting residents, relatives and staff as well as supporting the manager and service. Learning to multitask was key for me, as well as task and time management, working with various systems and being adaptable to change’.
In the Autumn of 2020, Karen was approached about a new opportunity that was to become available, working under the Operations Manager as the Operations Assistant. This position gave wider focus and dimension to her previous role, that had focused primarily on just one home, Heatherfield, with Karen now providing support to a variety of different homes across the Group. Karen joined the Operations Team where the responsibilities were similar, however, she worked more on the reporting and auditing of various systems for all Holmes Care Group services, providing monthly analysis, coordinating diaries, with her main duty being that of supporting the Operations Manager.
In March 2023, Karen was invited to join the newly formed Strategic Change Team, on secondment, as a Strategic Change Assistant, where she still works to this day. The Strategic Change Team was formed, post the acquisition of Kingdom Homes, with the remit being to support the Executive Team in driving forward the integration of Kingdom Homes with Holmes Care Group. The Strategic Change Team have led, and provided support, on business-critical projects over the last two years, including the TUPE transfer of employees, a review of staffing establishments, as well as working with departments to review current systems and processes, ensuring they are fit for the growth of the wider business.

On being asked what she enjoys most about her current role, Karen shared that she enjoys the sheer variety of the work, and there being no such thing as a ‘typical day’, giving examples of the diversity and breadth of initiatives that both she, and the rest of the Strategic Change Team, have been involved with since inception.
Karen said that her current role has given her the opportunity to problem solve, something she particularly enjoys, stating ‘I like to add value, and I do love a challenge!’ Karen added that she is grateful for the opportunity to work with a wide array of departments and homes, and daily interaction with a diverse range of settings and individuals, all with different styles of working. Karen commented ‘Every day in this role, I genuinely learn something new, and I find that really rewarding as it definitely makes me think about things and self-reflect’.

On being asked where she sees herself in five years’ time, Karen said ‘Hopefully I’ll still be at Holmes Care!’ I asked her what she would like to be doing, or could see herself doing, and she said, ‘I’d like to just keep growing within the Company, not just working or my professional growth, but also my personal growth’. Karen went on to explain that, on a personal level, she can see noticeable changes in herself that her current role in particular has definitely contributed to, and had a positive impact on; for example, Karen said that she previously lacked confidence in things like public speaking, speaking out and sharing her ideas in group settings; she said that this role has, through necessity, provided her with the perfect platform to ‘find her voice’ in order to complete tasks and get projects over the line; as such, she has gradually become more confident speaking up in meetings, online and in person. Karen added that her confidence has also increased in terms of driving, adding that she previously would never have been able to just ‘whizz around’ like she does now, and that travelling from home to home is just something she now does without question. Karen concluded that she genuinely feels that she has seen growth in many areas, both professionally and personally, in her 10 years with Holmes Care.
Karen will be forever grateful to Chelsie, Alex, Sharifa and Anne for pushing her out with her comfort zone – and quoted that ‘when you enjoy the work you do, you never work a day in your life’.

Thank you - Karen Brown, for your time on the phone, sharing this information with me.
Karen Morine

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Baytree Court

Baytree Court is a very relaxed home, pleasant staff and one of the nicest homes I visit, always get a smile. Service users seem happy.

Glenys Newbury - Health Care Community Worker

Almond View Care Home

To all the staff at Almond View - a big thank you for looking after Mum, with such kindness and dedication. Despite living 400 miles away, I always had a good feeling that she was in good hands. When I did visit, the staff without exception, stopped to chat to us even though they were extremely busy. Please accept my heart felt thank you to you all - a real credit to Almond View.


Bankview Care Home

Thank you for the excellent level of care that my father, Frank Boyle, has received. Bankview demonstrated for us the template for a care home and how it should feel and be run. Friendly, welcoming, excellent care levels, length of time staff remain loyal to the home and above all a clear and comforting atmosphere of great leadership.

Barbara and Jan

Social Work Department

Bankview Day care is welcoming and homely, meeting a wide range of needs with well trained staff and individual care for each client.

Bankview Day Care Centre

Bankview Day Care Centre

I understand why mum loves coming to Bank view Day-care it’s a home from home and the activities offered are excellent

J Campbell

Bankview Day Care Centre

The day care centre has made a huge difference to my life. Best thing I ever done, my week was boring now I have days out and shopping trips and good company.

R Burns

Baytree Court Care Home

We can not thank you enough for all the care, support and attention the staff at Baytree Court have given Marc. The staff have always given their time and support to us on visits which has meant a great deal.

Doreen and Yvonne

Beechwood Care Home

Both mum and I were most impressed with Beechwood and we have decided that is where we would like Dad to come to. You have put both mine and mum's minds at rest knowing that Dad will be looked after.

Thank You

Susan Gibson

K Macdonald in memory of my Aunt Jean

I can't exaggerate the admiration I have for the management and staff of Craigielea. I've never experienced so much patience, coaxing, kindness and care. These people share their lives and emotions, laugh and cry and mourn for the people who entrust themselves to care.

Craigielea Care Home

J Ellis in memory of Steve

The staff talked about my best friend being an inspiration to them, despite his illness It made me change my approach with him, instead of being despondent and sad, I spoke with him the way we had always been with each other. The staff saw him as a person.

Craigielea Care Home

Shelagh Goldie

My uncle, who is a retired GP, recently visited Dad on a trip over from Canada and commented that Craigielea is one of the best places he has ever seen in his experience of elderly care units. Very homely, calm, relaxing and wonderful staff. Keep up the fantastic work you do!


Grandholm Care Home

In all my visits I have been most impressed with the Care and Attention shown by all your staff, who are professional and courteous at all times. We are always welcomed with a friendly smile which makes us feel very much part of the home and being involved

J Barber

Grandholm Care Home

Please accept my sincere congratulations for performance and efficiency of Grandholm Care Home. The home provides a very professional, caring and motivational environment with an abundance of patience and understanding. The home is a credit to your team and one of the best in Aberdeen.

I McCormack

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